Thursday, September 29, 2011

Good choices

The one thing I pray for without thinking twice is to make good choices. How do we know when we're making bad choices? Well, some of them are rather obvious. For instance, "Maybe I shouldn't have another martini while my ex-boyfriend is here with the Super Bitch." However, some choices are a little more tricky. Should I take that new job? Should I invest in a new floor for my living room? Should I yell at my kid just ONE more time for forgetting her spelling words for the third time this week? There are a lot of unknowns in life and not a lot of direction. We are, essentially, flying blind for most of it, praying our asses off, and crossing our fingers before jumping off of the cliff.

That's how I felt yesterday when I decided to table the 70,000 word manuscript that was viciously, unexpectedly chopped down to 53,000 words before my very eyes. Owie. I just knew, knew, I could not go through those 17,000 words again right away. So much of me went into those words. It felt worse than an amputation. I was devastated.

But I sighed, swallowed, had a cup of coffee, watched She's All That (because it was brainless, and I didn't have to focus), then decided to continue with the series I started last spring. All the while, I had no idea if I was condemning my writing career by not finishing what I was working on right away, which I am a big believer in.

As of today, I can tell you: GOOD CHOICE.

I sat down and started writing my little heart out. It was like I never left that world. Maybe I never did, because the MS I tabled was always harder to write than the series. I feel vindicated. I coughed out 2,000 words like it was nothing, and I intend to do so every day for the next several weeks. The first one in the series was written in eight weeks. I am not pressuring myself to do the same with RC, but I can feel that same fire. Watch out, world. This is big.


  1. Isn't it weird how life seems to work out that way? I've done that same thing with songs; you get to the point where the song/story is like a large hairy bug that you're forced to pet. I'm glad that your new story is more like a happy puppy.

    Also, for the record, I'm quite sure you'll have no trouble coming up with 100, 1000, or 10000 more words. You're quite effusive.

  2. Thanks, Nick. I'm working on it, and I've been writing every day. I'm in the process of getting my characters into a whole lot of yuck that I'm going to have to dig them out of later. Writing isn't writing. It's damage control.
